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Help! My Hair Is Thinning

Help! My Hair Is Thinning

When you think of hair loss, you likely think of a balding man, and that’s understandable since 35 million men have trouble hanging on to their hair. But women aren’t far behind men in the hair loss game — around 21 million of them also go through frustrating hair changes, especially as they age and experience hormone dips. 

You can try every shampoo and cream that guarantees to restore your hair, but the sad truth is the $3.4 billion hair loss market has simply failed to deliver on its promises. 

When you’re ready to recruit a hair loss specialist, look no further than our team at Sanford Dermatology. We have the experience and advanced treatments necessary to help you achieve your aesthetic goals, including restoring your hair. 

Rather than cycling through topicals and drugs that don’t work, we help your body help itself with a revolutionary way to kick-start your body’s hair growth process. Here’s a closer look at how. 

What’s happening to my hair?

Not everyone goes completely bald as they age, but everyone’s hair changes eventually. The extent of those changes depends on a few factors, including genetics, diet, overall health, hair care habits, and hormones, but no one is completely immune to hair thinning or loss, and here’s why. 

When you were younger, you had thick, lustrous hair because all your systems ran efficiently. As you get older, these systems start to slow down. For example, your endocrine system stops producing hormones that support hair growth.

Beyond that, the life cycle of your hair shortens. Healthy strands of hair have a life span of 2-7 years, but as you age, the follicles gear down, causing hair to thin and fall out prematurely. 

Age and genetics aren’t the only factors to blame for hair thinning. Frequent shampooing, hot styling tools, and a protein-poor diet can all cause your hair to thin out. 

You can do a few things to slow or stop the progression of hair thinning, but if you’re among the many who have tried and failed to save their hair, you may be a candidate for our advanced treatment. 

How can I restore my hair?

At Sanford Dermatology, we pride ourselves on bringing our patients the highest quality treatments. One of the latest additions to our lineup of services is the Eclipse ProGen PRP™ Platelet-Rich Plasma System by Crown Aesthetics

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a revolutionary, all-natural treatment that addresses everything from arthritis to wrinkles — and now it can help you with your hair problem. 

To make PRP, we only need a small sample of your blood. We place it in a centrifuge, which spins at high speed to separate the individual blood components and remove 99% of the red blood cells. We extract the nutrient-rich platelets and liquid plasma, combine them into a concentrated serum — PRP — and inject them into your scalp. 

Once injected, the PRP releases powerful growth factors to the dysfunctional hair follicles to kick-start your hair production. You get natural-looking results because you grew the hair yourself — with a little help from science. 

Gone are the days of slathering on creams or swallowing a pill as you cross your fingers and hope for the best. Today, there’s a better way to get your hair back. If you’d like to learn more about our PRP hair loss treatments and want to know if you’re a candidate, don’t hesitate to call our friendly staff or use our online booking tool to schedule a consultation at any of our three conveniently located offices serving Greater Sanford, Pittsboro, and Lillington, North Carolina.

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