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5 Things That May Be Causing Your Recurring Rash

5 Things That May Be Causing Your Recurring Rash

You don't need us to tell you that rashes are patches of irritated, red, itchy, burning, flaky patches of skin that make you want to hide your skin from the world., but you may needs us to help you get rid of them, especially if they keep returning. Some rashes have a tendency to pop up again and again — it’s enough to make you throw in the towel on skin care. 

That’s where we come in. 

Our team of dermatology experts at Sanford Dermatology knows how frustrating recurring rashes can be. Fortunately, we have years of experience treating them. But we also know that providing the best treatments is only half of the battle. We want you to be fully informed about what’s happening with your skin, so we’ve highlighted five of the usual suspects behind your recurring rash.

1. Allergens and irritants

Allergens and irritants are one of the most common causes of recurring rashes. What’s worse, you can find rash inducers just about anywhere. Peanuts on your plate, pollen in the air, and prescriptions in your medicine cabinet are just some of the threats you should be aware of. 

We can help you identify your triggers, so you can stop recurring rashes in their tracks. 

2. Infections and underlying illnesses

As with allergens and irritants, many infections, fungi, and underlying illnesses can trigger recurring rashes. Some of the most common rash-causing conditions include viral infections like shingles, autoimmune diseases like psoriasis, and bacterial infections like cellulitis.

Fortunately, illness-related rashes subside and stop returning once you’ve dealt with what’s causing them. 

3. Sweat and heat

Heat rashes crop up when you sweat a lot or are exposed to extreme heat. They tend to develop in the areas of your body that experience friction, such as the folds of your skin, underneath your breasts or near your groin, and here’s why.

Below the surface of your skin, you have lots of little sweat glands. When heat blocks those glands, your sweat gets trapped under your skin, and irritating bumps start to form. 

4. Stress

Stress causes your heart to beat faster, your mind to race, and your stomach to turn. It can also cause your skin to break out in a rash. Some people get a rash called hives whenever they get stressed out. 

Hives show up on the face, neck, chest, or arms, usually as raised red bumps or large welts. It’s not uncommon for hives to become itchy, feel tingly, or cause a burning sensation. They typically resolve after a few hours. 

5. Weather extremes

Some seasons are so harsh we’ve named a rash after them — and winter is among the most notorious. Winter rashes occur when your skin loose too much moisture due to cold, dry air. The rash usually involves itching, inflammation, and flaky patches of skin. Typically, winter rashes only show up in certain areas, such as your hands and arms, but some experience a widespread rash.

What now?

Maybe you’ve identified what’s causing your rash, or maybe you’re not even close to figuring out your skin issues. Either way, it’s time to head to our office. We encourage you to come in anytime you have a rash, especially if it’s recurring. 

Our first step is to determine what’s causing it before we develop an action plan. We pride ourselves on being rash specialists and are able to uncover the underlying issue quickly. 

Depending on your needs, we may recommend the following:

Big or small, itchy or not, there’s no reason to let a recurring rash go unchecked. Call or click to schedule a rash evaluation directly through the online booking system or over the phone at your most convenient office location.

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